醉近的一張專輯 Still Unforgettable依然收錄重編了經典爵士歌曲,這張專輯有著creamy silky golden的色調,像極了一杯濃純香的brownie cocktail。開場歌 Walking my baby back home延續 Unforgettable與父親對唱,而我醉喜愛的是結尾曲 It’s All Right With me。這首由Cole Porter創作的歌曲被翻唱過數百次,先來聽聽1957年Ella Fitzgerald跟高爸爸的對唱~
上回介紹了她的演唱會,那真是一場無暇完美又溫馨的演出 (除了座位是折凳有點難坐之外)。穿著大紅小禮服出場的閃亮娜塔莉,一開始就唱起這首歌,我笑了。Unforgettable的音樂出現,看到大螢幕上的Nat King Cole深情地唱著,這一招實在太狠了。充滿了回憶的一首歌,名副其實的Unforgettable… 以下的片段就跟我看到的演唱會一樣,只是娜塔莉小姐換了一套衣服,她的聲音完美如一
You can't know how happy I am that we met
I'm strangely attracted to you
There's someone I'm trying so hard to forget
Don't you want to forget someone, too?
It's the wrong game, with the wrong chips
Though your lips are tempting, they're the wrong lips
They're not his lips, but they're such tempting lips
That, if some night, you are free
Then it's all right, yes, it's all right with me
就算在錯的時間地點遇到對的你,你迷人的臉 可愛的笑容 誘惑的雙唇… 就算是錯我也無所謂了~對~我都Alright了啦~
Esther Phillips就像世人所知的爵士女伶形象一般,有著破碎的家庭,大起大落的人生與毒品歷史,48歲就離開人間。她從1950年開始落魄吸毒四處走唱了10年才又重生。時續走到1972,From a Whisper to a Scream 專輯裡同樣有一首Thats All Right With Me。這首歌的編曲曾被Mobb Deep, LL Cool J等歌手sample過。
If you wanna make love to me, If you want to make me your own
And if you want to make me your slave
That's all right with me, That's all right with me
If I must work both day and night, If I must supply your empty need
And if I only get to see you once in a day
Hey Baby! That's all right with me, That's all right with me
I'll keep you happy all the days in my life, I even do all for you
I want the whole wide world to know, that I love you, I love you so~
And if you need me to call you on the phone
If you need someone to hold your hand
And if you need someone to be yours Hey baby
That's all right with me, That's all right with me
為了愛甚麼都肯給 是浪漫的,這種浪漫如今只能存在歌曲中…在孤單的夜晚 聽著她偷走傷心人的眼淚吧
艾斯里兄弟 The Isley Brothers 已經出道半世紀啦~ 黑人兄弟合唱團真的是我的醉愛啊~~不過會知道這個團體還要拜Snoop Dogg之賜,從美國帶回來的The One and Only: Welcome to da Chuuch Mixtape中穿插了兩首Isley Brother復古的Funk Soul。接下來要聽的歌當然還是跟Alright with me有關,1982年The real Deal專輯,Funk版的 “因為愛妳只要是你我都無所謂”,Oh yeah! Sexy~
I know that you always need a lover
Someone to come home to every night baby
I know there's another man standing by now
But girl I still want you in my life
Baby it's alright with me yeah Baby it's alright with me yeah
I know that you'll always be my lover
I need to be with you all the time baby
But you're not the only one in my life
You can do your thing, I do mine
Baby it's alright with me yeah Baby it's alright with me yeah
John Legend從第一張專輯Get Lifted (2004)就是個傳奇,拿下了最佳R&B專輯 歌手,及新人三項葛萊美。經典的Ordanary People不管聽幾次都令人動容。其中收錄的 Alright,講的也是一個錯的時間地點的Affair。主角在bar裡面遇到一個帶著男友的正妹,兩人互相眉來眼去天雷勾動地火…”我知道妳偷偷對我眨眼 妳也知道我喝多了有點瘋狂,但是我們都狠alright 那… 妳要丟下他跟我走嗎? 嘿嘿”
Ok I see you checking me out
I think I know what you winkin' about
You wit your man you don't want him to see
It's alright with me
I know I drank I little bit much
You think I'm talking crazy and such
I can't walk straight but girl I can see
You're alright with me
以上就是今天All right, alright特輯之 甜→苦→酸→辣,喜歡是自由的,喜歡而不佔有是快樂的!